As of Jan. 1, 2024, certain types of corporations, limited liability companies and other similar entities created in or registered to do business in the United States must report information to FinCEN about their beneficial owners—the persons who ultimately own or control the company. BOI reporting is not an IRS program; all inquiries must be directed to FinCEN. FinCEN’s BOI e-filing system is available for you to e-file the beneficial ownership information report.
So, I went out and did my legal requirement and after I hit submit and got through the catcha, I repeatably got this message:
Submission Failed
The system currently cannot handle your submission. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact the FinCEN Contact Center ( for assistance. (Error code: SF03)
The third time I refreshed the site and entered all of the six pages of information, it finally went through. If you have a large number of owners for your small business, it allows you to download a pdf of the forms, fill them out and then upload it. I recommend doing this, so you don't end up having to enter the information multiple times.